
[fork] Portable OpenBSD ksh, based on the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh).
git clone https://noxz.tech/git/oksh-noxz.git
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commit: 257266d6b1dac418589de3b53f6bef6f78a0ef06
parent: 4c046b099690f819a004f0d8e153fe2761e4fcdf
author: Brian Callahan <bcallah@openbsd.org>
date:   Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:59:56 -0500
Let's ship the default ksh.kshrc.
Some people will certainly find it useful.
While here, we do ship a default .profile -- rename it more clearly
Fix #52
2 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/profile b/dot.profile
rename profile → dot.profile
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
-# Uncomment to set default prompt to current working directory.
+# Uncomment to set default prompt to the current working directory.
 # PS1='$PWD $ '
diff --git a/ksh.kshrc b/ksh.kshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#	$OpenBSD: ksh.kshrc,v 1.32 2018/05/16 14:01:41 mpf Exp $
+# NAME:
+#	ksh.kshrc - global initialization for ksh
+#	Each invocation of /bin/ksh processes the file pointed
+#	to by $ENV (usually $HOME/.kshrc).
+#	This file is intended as a global .kshrc file for the
+#	Korn shell.  A user's $HOME/.kshrc file simply requires
+#	the line:
+#		. /etc/ksh.kshrc
+#	at or near the start to pick up the defaults in this
+#	file which can then be overridden as desired.
+#	$HOME/.kshrc
+# RCSid:
+#	$From: ksh.kshrc,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:14:48 sjg Exp $
+#	@(#)Copyright (c) 1991 Simon J. Gerraty
+#	This file is provided in the hope that it will
+#	be of use.  There is absolutely NO WARRANTY.
+#	Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise
+#	use this file is hereby granted provided that
+#	the above copyright notice and this notice are
+#	left intact.
+case "$-" in
+*i*)	# we are interactive
+	# we may have su'ed so reset these
+	USER=$(id -un)
+	UID=$(id -u)
+	case $UID in
+	0) PS1S='# ';;
+	esac
+	PS1S=${PS1S:-'$ '}
+	HOSTNAME=${HOSTNAME:-$(uname -n)}
+	# $TTY is the tty we logged in on,
+	# $tty is that which we are in now (might by pty)
+	tty=$(tty)
+	tty=${tty##*/}
+	TTY=${TTY:-$tty}
+	# $console is the system console device
+	console=$(sysctl kern.consdev)
+	console=${console#*=}
+	set -o emacs
+	alias ls='ls -F'
+	alias h='fc -l | more'
+	case "$TERM" in
+	sun*-s)
+		# sun console with status line
+		if [[ $tty != $console ]]; then
+			# ilabel
+			ILS='\033]L'; ILE='\033\\'
+			# window title bar
+			WLS='\033]l'; WLE='\033\\'
+		fi
+		;;
+	xterm*)
+		ILS='\033]1;'; ILE='\007'
+		WLS='\033]2;'; WLE='\007'
+		pgrep -qxs $PPID telnet && export TERM=xterms
+		;;
+	*)	;;
+	esac
+	# do we want window decorations?
+	if [[ -n $ILS ]]; then
+		function ilabel { print -n "${ILS}$*${ILE}">/dev/tty; }
+		function label { print -n "${WLS}$*${WLE}">/dev/tty; }
+		alias stripe='label "$USER@$HOST ($tty) - $PWD"'
+		alias istripe='ilabel "$USER@$HOST ($tty)"'
+		# Run stuff through this to preserve the exit code
+		function _ignore { local rc=$?; "$@"; return $rc; }
+		function wftp { ilabel "ftp $*"; "ftp" "$@"; _ignore eval istripe; }
+		function wcd     { \cd "$@";     _ignore eval stripe; }
+		function wssh    { \ssh "$@";    _ignore eval 'istripe; stripe'; }
+		function wtelnet { \telnet "$@"; _ignore eval 'istripe; stripe'; }
+		function wsu     { \su "$@";     _ignore eval 'istripe; stripe'; }
+		alias su=wsu
+		alias cd=wcd
+		alias ftp=wftp
+		alias ssh=wssh
+		alias telnet=wtelnet
+		eval stripe
+		eval istripe
+	fi
+	alias quit=exit
+	alias cls=clear
+	alias logout=exit
+	alias bye=exit
+	alias p='ps -l'
+	alias j=jobs
+	alias o='fg %-'
+	alias df='df -k'
+	alias du='du -k'
+	alias rsize='eval $(resize)'
+*)	# non-interactive