
A collection of a builder and various scripts creating the sites
git clone

commit: a45405bd697bdce079e76cd7e77ef98d949b84dc
parent: 58a8278fe5d1aa21845c52a077203c8bd0e74527
author: Chris Noxz <>
date:   Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:04:40 +0200
Guide for writing a resume in groff
4 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ all: clean builder
 	@echo creating tar archive 'web.tar'
 	@find ./ -type f -regex \
-	".*\.\(jpg\|png\|svg\|html\|css\|asc\|pub\|rss\|xml\|swps\|txt\|patch\|ggb\|pdf\)" \
+	".*\.\(jpg\|png\|svg\|html\|css\|asc\|pub\|rss\|xml\|swps\|txt\|patch\|ggb\|pdf\|ms\)" \
 	-exec tar -rf web.tar {} \;
 builder: config.h builder.c
diff --git a/ b/
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+Writing a resume in groff
+Writing a curriculum in groff can seem difficult, but rest assured it can 
+easily be accomplished and in this guide I will show how a simple resume can be 
+created. In this guide I will use the macro set *ms*, so remember to compile 
+the document using *-ms*. This guide will also use the *tbl* program to create 
+tables, so remember to first compile the document in *tbl*.
+{: class="center"}
+To begin with let's add some settings in the head of the document.
+    .fam T
+    .nr PS 10p
+    .nr VS 15p
+    .ds CH
+In the section above we have specified the font family *T*, a point size of 
+*10p*, a line spacing of *15p* and also disabled the page numbering (by letting 
+the center of the header to be blank).
+Next let's define some of the coloring that we are going to use later.
+    .defcolor headingcolor rgb 0.5f 0.5f 0.5f
+    .defcolor linecolor rgb 0.6f 0.6f 0.6f
+Above the *headingcolor* will be used for a horizontal ruler under each 
+heading. The *linecolor* will be used for a vertical line in each section (more 
+on that later).
+To avoid a lot of typing for each heading we will create a macro instead.
+    .de heading
+    .   nf
+    .   ps 14
+    .   B "\\$1"
+    \h'0n'\v'-1.2n'\
+    \m[headingcolor]\
+    \l'\\n(.lu\(ul'\
+    \m[default]
+    .   ps 10
+    .   sp -.2
+    .   fi
+    ..
+In the macro *heading* above we start by telling groff not to fill output 
+lines. We set the point size to *14*, print the input parameter in bold and the 
+continue by drawing. When drawing we first move horizontally to the position 
+*0n*, move vertically up *1.2n* and change the pen color to the previously 
+defined *headingcolor*. After that we just draw an underline *\\(ul* from where 
+we are to the most right of the documents writing area. Finally we change the 
+color back to *default*, revert the point size back to *10*, decrease the 
+vertical spacing by *0.2* and tell groff to once again fill output lines.
+Every resume needs a detailed header with name and contact information.
+     .ce 2
+     .ps 18
+     .B "John F. Smith"
+     .ps 10
+     .TS
+     tab(;) nospaces;
+     l rx.
+     Main Road 66;
+     Awesometown, 66788;T{
+     .I "+12 42 99 666"
+     T}
+     Wonderland;T{
+     .I ""
+     T}
+     .TE
+In the example above we tell groff to center the following two lines where we 
+print the name *John F. Smith* (with the point size of *18*), and his email 
+address (with the point size of *10*). Then we create a table using *.TS* 
+(table start) ending with .TE (table ending). We define the tab separation, 
+that will separate each cell, as *';'* and tell *tbl* to ignore spaces. The 
+format of the table is *'l rx.'* which means that the first cell is left 
+aligned, the second cell is right aligned and extended (to fill the writing 
+area) and the dot tells *tbl* to end the format there.
+The content are then specified with each row on one line (with some caveats) 
+and cells separated using *';'*. As we tell groff to use italics *.I* on the 
+phone number and the URL, we must tell *tbl* to treat the content as text 
+blocks using *'T{'* and *'T}'*. The symbol *'T{'* must be after the *';'* and 
+*'T}'* must be on its own line.
+A short summary
+We will of course need a short summary in our resume. You can of course write 
+what ever you want here, and not necessarily *lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...*
+    .heading "Summary"
+    .LP
+    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod 
+    tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim 
+    veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea 
+    commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate 
+    velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat 
+    cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id 
+    est laborum.
+In the example above we have taken advantage of our macro named *heading* to 
+format the heading *Summary*. As a placeholder for our paragraph *.LP* we have 
+just added the standard *Lorem Ipsum passage*, used since the 1500s.
+At last we create some sections for our various topics in the resume. These can 
+of course vary depending on the person or position in mind. I will just create 
+some examples.
+    .heading "Professional Experience"
+    .TS
+    tab(;) nospaces;
+    rW15|lx.
+    \m[default]2019 - today\m[linecolor];T{
+    .B "Development Engineer at Creative Pros"
+    \(en Awesometown, Wonderland
+    .br
+    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium 
+    doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore 
+    veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
+    .sp .5
+    T}
+    \m[default]2010 - 2019\m[linecolor];T{
+    .B "Professional Expert at Dreamworx"
+    \(en Somefareaway, Neverland
+    .br
+    Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed 
+    quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
+    .sp .5
+    T}
+    .TE
+    \m[default]
+In the example above we are once again using the macro *heading* to create a 
+new heading for our experiences. The content is rendered inside a table, but 
+this time the table formatting is a bit different. In this case *'rW15|lx.'* 
+means that the first cell is right aligned with a fixed width of *15* (you 
+might have to change this to work for your resume). The two cells will be 
+divided by a line, specified using the *'|'*, and the second cell will be left 
+aligned and extended (to fill the writing area).
+Here we use the previously defined color *linecolor* for printing the 
+separation line. First we make sure the default color is selected, define the 
+first cell (here containing a date) and the set the new color *linecolor*. For 
+our content we once again use a text block to enable us to use formatting and 
+longer texts.
+In our text block we first define the position, employer and location separated 
+with an *en* line. We break the line using *.br* and add some descriptive text 
+for the position. Finally we add some vertical spacing with the value *0.5*. 
+After the table is ended we make sure the default color is set.
+Together with all information above we can now create a final document to 
+compile into our resume. I've created a template [here]( based on 
+this guide. Feel free to use it and change it in what ever way you want.
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+.fam T PS 10p VS 15p
+.ds CH
+.defcolor linecolor rgb 0.6f 0.6f 0.6f
+.defcolor headingcolor rgb 0.5f 0.5f 0.5f
+. heading
+.   nf
+.   ps 14
+.   B "\\$1"
+.   ps 10
+.   sp -.2
+.   fi
+.ce 2 18
+.B "John F. Smith" 10
+tab(;) nospaces;
+l rx.
+Main Road 66;
+Awesometown, 66788;T{
+.I "+12 42 99 666"
+.I ""
+.heading "Summary"
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 
+incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis 
+.heading "Professional Experience"
+tab(;) nospaces;
+\m[default]2019 - today\m[linecolor];T{
+.B "Development Engineer at Creative Pros"
+\(en Awesometown, Wonderland
+Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium 
+doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore 
+veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
+.sp .5
+\m[default]2010 - 2019\m[linecolor];T{
+.B "Professional Expert at Dreamworx"
+\(en Somefareaway, Neverland
+Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed 
+quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
+.sp .5
+.heading "Education"
+tab(;) nospaces;
+2000 - 2005\m[linecolor];T{
+.B "The Great University"
+\(en West-town, Wonderland
+MSc in Computer Science
+.sp .5
+\m[default]1995 - 2000\m[linecolor];T{
+.B "The Fair University"
+\(en East-Town, Wonderland
+BSc in Economics
+.sp .5
+.heading "Language"
+tab(;) nospaces;
+\m[default]Professional working proficency
+.sp .2
+.B "Spanish"
+\m[default]Native proficency
+.sp .2
+.heading "Skills"
+tab(;) nospaces;
+Hacking, Programming, Web development
+Economics, Microeconomics, Behavioural economics
+.sp .5
+\m[default]Prog. Languages\m[linecolor];T{
+x86 Assembly, C, Haskell, Python
+.sp .5