1After being tired of being tied to my stationary workstation I finally got
2myself into buying a laptop. I didn't want a new fancy laptop I would have to
3replace in 2 years, due to it being filled with gunk, overheating or in
4general just fail. Modern laptops tend to be consumables. So, after some
5research I found that the Lenovo T400 should be stable, easy to fix, and also
6possible to libreboot (something that I've been interested in doing).
8I found a rather cheap one with some minor scratches on the top cover and a
9broken hard drive with a price of around $100. I replaced the keyboard, bought
10a new SSD, 8 GB of RAM, a new wireless NIC \(en and it was as good as new.
11After flashing the BIOS (which meant I had to disassemble everything to access
12the SPI pins) it gave me a cold boot time of about 10 seconds or less (I haven't
13timed it).
15This will be my main computer from now on, as it easily replaces my stationary
16workstation with a docking station I found at a flee market. I will probably
17buy another one just to be sure I have spare parts in case the motherboard
19.I fubar .
21.PIMG t400.png