1As a Free Software advocate and a soon to be teacher, I agree with
2Richard\~Stallman and the Free Software Foundation about the idea of software
3in schools and education being exclusively Free Software.
5In the spirit of caring through sharing, I would like to share two
6articles on the matter.
9.LIURL "" \
10"Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software"
11\(en by Richard Stallman about educational activities, including schools of
12all levels from kindergarten to university, and how they have a moral duty to
13teach only free software.
15.LIURL "" \
16"Why Educational Institutions Should Use and Teach Free Software"
17\(en by Richard Stallman about the main reasons why universities and schools of
18all levels should use exclusively Free Software.
20.LIURL "" \
21"How I Fought To Graduate Without Using Nonfree Software"
22\(en by Wojciech Kosior about their struggle and fight for the cause of software
23freedom, during the pandemic, while studying informatics at the University of
24Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland.